Kamis, 07 Mei 2009


(by Beni Iskandar; 08305141041)

When I value this book I divided the book became some of criteria. It make easy to know that how interest this book. Because generally, the interesting of this book it represented by this part.

The first is cover of the book. I see a good picture in front cover, it's stadium. But its don’t make more interesting for student to read the content. Ok, when we go to books store and buy a book, the first thing we do when we choice a book is finding an interest cover and find a attractive title. Although ever we hear a statement that "Don’t see a book just from the cover" but Its a business. we must attract more people to buy this book. Some method to do that thing are improve the cover of book become attractive. Then when i see the back cover. I must contain about description of book generally or maybe a good riddle which make student think more about greatest of mathematics..

The second is from the content of book. I think content of this book is very good, because in beginning of unit there are some picture to attract student study more deep again about the lesson. And then explanation about the material lesson very easy to understanding. Student also can study about mathematic in English. This book can improve student to know more vocabulary of mathematics.

The last is visualization of the book. It's mean the using of background text, font, draft and etc. when i see this book, there are something which make me bored. That is background color of this book likes block or span background color (in html code). why??? because i see a same color in every part. Why don't use different color.

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