Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

My Notes

Thanks to mr marsigit, you educated me to know about english in math, that is my notes i hope you can tech more than it

a number of sejumlah
aberation penyimpangan
abinition pendefinisi
abscissa absis
abundant bilangan berkelebihan
according to secara
achivement prestasi
adding up menjumlahkan ukuran
addition penjumlahan
additive tambahan
adjacent berdampingan
adjacent sides sisi bersebelahan
agregasi kumpulan
alliance persekutuan
alternate exterior angles sudut luar bersebrangan
alternate interior angles sudut dalam bersebrangan
altitude garis tinggi
amicable bilangan bersahabat
amount jumlah
analysis of curriculum analisis kurikulum
angle formed membentuk sudut
anti-logarithm anti logaritma
aplication penerapan
aplly berlaku
apothem garis miring
approximation pendekatan
aproach pendekatan
arbitrary sewenang-wenang
arc busur
area luas
arms of an angle kaki sudut
arrange menyusun
array deret
asterisk tanda bintang
axis sumbu
axis of simetry sumbu simetri
azimuth sudut kompas
back azimuth sudut kompas belakang
baundery batas
biconditional biimplikasi
bisect membagi dua
bisector garis bagi
bow small circle busur kecil lingkaran
bracket tanda kurung
breadth disebut juga
briefly dengan singkat
cardinal number bilangan kardinal
case kasus
center of coordinate titik asal
centre titik pusat
chain rule aturan rantai
chord tali busur
circum sribe segi empat tali busur
circumcircle lingkaran luar
circumference keliling
circumscribed circle lingkaran luar
closure tertutup
cluster pengelompokan
codomain daerah hasil
coefficients koefisien
coincide berimpit
compass jangka
complementer berpenyiku
completing the square melengkapkan bentuk kuadrat
comply memenuhi
compound majemuk
comprehension pemahaman
concave poligon poligon tak konveks
concentric sepusat
conditional implikasi
conic kerucut
connective penghubung
consecutive angles sudut bersebelahan
constructive berurutan
containing berisi
coresponded bersesuaian
correesponding angle sudut sehadap
corresponding sesuai
count mencacah
counting number bilangan asli
cube-diagonal diagonal ruang
cuboid balok
curved lengkung
cusptangent garis singgung di puncak
deficrent bilangan berkekurangan
denominator penyebut
dense lebat
descending order urutan turun
devided into two dibagi menjadi dua
dice dadu
difference selisih
dificulty, trouble kesulitan
disjoint terpisah
disposed disingkirkan (teori)
distance jarak
distance formula rumus jarak
division pembagian
divisor pembagi
domain daerah asal
dotted bertitik
each masing-masing
edge rusuk
edge tepi
empty set himpunan kosong
enlargement pembesaran
equilateral triangle segitiga samasisi
estimation penaksiran
even field bidang datar
even number bilangan genap
exact tepat
exponen perpangkatan
expression bentuk (aljabar)
external tangent garis singgung luar
figure bangun
following setelah
for behind bertolak belakang
form bentuk
formula memfaktorkan
fractional exponents perpangkatan pecahan
frustum of a cone kerucut terpancung
gradient kemiringan
graph grafik
grid-paper kertas berpetak
half plane setengah bidang
half-line setengah garis (terbuka)
hemisphere setengah bola
hence dengan demikian
hipercomplex number bilangan hiperkompleks
hypotenuse sisi miring
immediately segera
incircle lingkaran dalam
incision area irisan bidang
infinite set himpunan tak berhingga
inner sebelah dalam
inscribed circle lingkaran dalam
insection penyisipan
insribed angle sudut keliling lingkaran
instances contoh
integer bilangan bulat
integers bilangan asli
intercept bersinggungan
interior points titik-titik dibagian dalam
internal tangent garis singgung dalam
intersect berpotongan
intersection irisan
interwintment keterkaitan
intwersect point titik potong
inverse kebalikan
investigation pengamatan secara cermat
isosceles triangle segitiga samakaki
iteration perulangan
kite layang-layang
label memberi tanda
lateral sisi samping
latihan rehearsal
lecturers dosen
left behind tertinggal
line segment ruas garis
locus tempat
magnitude ukuran
mapping pemetaan
marked with the same tanda sama dengan
measures ukuran
median garis berat
middle terms suku tengah
mid-point titik tengah
mid-point titik pertengahan
mistake kesalahan
mixture campuran
multiplication perkalian
multiplier kelipatan
non colinear pints titik-titik tak segaris
non repeating tak berulang
nonterminating tak berulang
number bilangan
number patterns pola bilangan
numeral angka
numeral system sistem angka
numerator pembilang
oblong numbers bilangan persegi panjang
obtain memperoleh
obtained diperoleh
odd number bilangan ganjil
opportunities peluang
opposite angles sudut berlawanan
opposite apex titik yang berhadapan
opposite number kebalikan bilangan
opposite number lawan bilangan
opposite rays sianar garis yang berlawanan
ordered pairs pasangan terurut
ordered triple koordinat 3 dimensi
ordinal numbers bilangan ordinal
origin asal
pairs pasangan
parallel sejajar
parallelogram jajargenjang
passing through melewati
perimeter, circumference keliling
perpendicular tegak lurus
picture gambar
plan solid-system jaring-jaring
plane bangun datar
plane-diagonal diagonal sisi
plot grafik
point of tangency titik singgung
polar coordinate koordinat kutub
portrait tetrahedron bidang empat tegak
possibility kemungkinan
prismatoids prismatoid
probability of failure kemungkinan gagal
proced from disebabkan
progression barisan
property ciri
protractor busur derajat
proyektor garis yang memproyeksikan
proyektum titik yang diproyeksikan
quadrilateral segi empat
quality of learning mutu pembelajaran
quotient hasil bagi
radius jari-jari lingkaran
range data jangkauan/rentang data
ratio nisbah
ray sinar garis
real analysis analisis nyata
reduction penyederhanaan
reflex angle sudut 180-360
region wilayah
regular beraturan
regular tetrahedron bidang empat beraturan
remain sisa
replacements penggantian
report laporan
reversed bertukar
rhombus belahketupat
rib rusuk
root of equation akar persamaan
rounding pembulatan
sample spaces ruang sampel
scalene sembarang
scalene tiangle segitiga sebarang
secant garis potong
sector juring
segment tembereng
semi circle setengah lingkaran
sequence barisan
sequence urutan
sequence of number barisan bilangan
set-builder notation notasi pembentuk himpunan
shaded-area daerah yang diarsir
shape bentuk (geometri)
side sisi
similar sebangun
similarly mirip
simpul nood
simultoneous serentak
skew line garis miring
slant high garis pelukis
slide rule aturan geser
slope kemiringan
solid bangun ruang
solution set himpunan penyelesaian
space figures gambar ruang
sphere bola
spherical berbentuk bola
spherical irisan bola
spherical triangle segitiga lengkung
square root of a number akar kuadrat suatu bilangan
stand for melambangkan
straight angles sudut lurus
straight edge mistar kosong
subtraction pengurangan
successor penerus
summarize meringkas
summary ringkasan
suplementer berperlurus
surface permukaan
surface area luas permukaan
tangent garis singgung
tens puluhan
tens of thousands puluhan ribu
terms suku
tessellated pengubinan
tetrahedron bidang empat
that bahwa
the amount bilangan cacah
the collective power himpunan kuasa
the root of a kind akar sejenis
the vertical sisi tegak
torn off potong sempit
tossing pelemparan
transendental curve kurva non aljabarik
transendental number bilangan transendental
trapezoid trapesium
triangular region wilayah berbentuk segitiga
truth set himpunan penyelesaian
truth table tabel kebenaran
tube, cylinder tabung
unit satuan
universal set himpunan semesta
unlike terms suku tak sejenis
vertex titik sudut
vertices titik-titik pusat
whole number bilangan cacah
x-form bentuk dalam x
y-form bentuk dalam y


Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
Thanks to God, Allah SWT, because the God protect us in comfortable life, permission healthy, keep our spirit, keep our life, keep our opportunity to solve the recention of book “Mathematics 2”.
Shalawat an prays, that or our chairman, chairman for al moeslem in the world. Chairman which can let we to “savety”. Chairman of human to “End of Ages”
Thanks to Mr. Marsigit, our letchurer, because he was educate me, one by one word, one by one motivation, one by one spirit, one by one tips, etc. He give this for our success, to be more than mathematician, but international mathematician. To be an international mathematician we not only competence in mathematic, but English too. Thanks for Mr. Marsigit give me the opportunity to evaluated this book
If someone do something, he/she must have a lesson or purpose, not differetr with me. Out reason is to apply our task in English subject. Different with our reason, our purpose is to solve one “little” step to meke our be an international mathematician, to raise our competence in English.
I hope, this recention can be evaluated from this book. That is our first opportunity to evaluated mathematical book. I think, this recention is so far from perfect. I hope this recention can be evaluated by al readers carefully. If many false in this book, forgive me.
Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

Yogyakarta, April 21th 2009

Writer Team

Method of writing

(by Nabih Ibrahim B:08305141011)

Before read this book, we must be remembered that so many mathematician who don’t have competence in English, and more many Englishman (people who have good competence in English) difficult to understood the mathematic. That can be forgived because so difficult to study mathematic and English suddenly. But, Indonesian mathematical education need “smart book” which not only study mathematic, but study “mathematical english” too.

This book is one of many “Resolution” from mathematical education in Indonesia. That can aswerred the purpose of mathematical education in Indonesia, maybe more than this purpose. I sat that because any some “speciality” from the book.
1. Not only educate about methematics
This book not only educate about methematics, but educated about English too. And don’t forget, this book teach about mathematical english. So difficult to find good book like this.
2. Use a very good language
This book have a use good language, because this book use “mathematical language”. If we read this book, may be we can think if this book is writen by man who use English as the first language. But, in fact, the wirier is indonesian, and he use Indonesian as a first language, and English as a second language. If we read this book more intensively, so looked that so many hard work to solve this book. Except the writer have excelent English and, so wide educational mathematical knowledge.

3. Complete
This book is different with other books, because this book so complete. This book is enough to use for standard book in school. This book can aswered needed for many competance of mathematical in Junior High School. I think this book can apply the “Goverment Instruction”. The concept of book is so simple, step by step and easy to understand.

This book is good for student, expecially in Indonesia, the book answered many basic concept of school mathematics. Not only answered many basic concept of school mathematics , this book can make the student smart in English, that can increase the vocabularry of mathematical words in English.

“No body is perfect” it’s a right thingking. Not different from this book. If we read the book quicqly, the book looks perfect. But if we look more intensively, we can fin some problem from this book. Any something whose regreted of this book That is:
1. Use british english
I think this book, use british english, I think that less familiar, If this book use the “American English” this bok can more easy to understood. I think that because the english song, book, movie majority came from USA.
2. Doesn’t have answer key
This book doesn’t have answer key. Probably, the writer have “different” purpose. I think if any answer key can make the student more proud with himself. If the student proud from himself we can make a argument that, the student have more spirit from study, finished the examination, etc.
3. Doesn’t have competece desciption
This book doesn’t have “description of competence”. If this bok can more “speak” about the description of competence, the student, can make te target from they study, example: “If I finished read this chapter I can count the area of kite.”
4. Doesn’t saparate the daily problem and concept problem
This book doesn’t saparate the daily problem and concept problem. This book doesn’t have direct “daily problem” componet. If this book have that part, the student have more spirit to read this book. The student can try the daily problem more harder. Because if the student can practicwe in daily case the student can more understood about the subject.
5. Doesn’t desciption the link of job world
This book doesn’t have a part which can description the aplication of this chapter in career. Because in that age, student start to have “creative” planning from they life. In other books an part which labeled “Math Work”. That part tell the reader, what the proffesion which need this “science”, and other skill to get good proffesion. For example “If you learn trygonometry you can be an architect, other trigonometry, you need skill about the componet of buliding, chemstri of soil, arts, etc”

This book so good. However, the quality of student not only based from the book. Many factor can increse thequlity of student. For example, techer, if the teacher not competence in english, and can’t motivate the student to read this book. May be this book can be perform tis “quality”.

So less good bood, I hope this bok can apply the need from studen, teacher, and all civitas academica in Indonesia. I hope, the hard work from the writor is usefull from education world.

I hope, in the next opportunity the writer can make “better book”. Better book which can solve indonesian eductional problem, better book can make the quality of indonesian matematical education was up. More than other development coutries.


(by Dian Trendi DP: 08305141021)

Generally, quality of all part of this book is very good and interesting to read.

Viewed in terms of paper
The paper has good quality. Paper that is used is quite thick and its color are light, so each writing looked clear. When we read it, we will not be bored quickly. Because of the thick paper, it cause ink that is used is not perforated.
Viewed in terms of writing
For the important things is used more than one color to differentiate. Because of the different color, we easily find the important points from the main criticism that discussed.
Viewed in terms of coloring
The book is printed in various kind of colors which is very clearly and with gradation color, so it attracts attention from the students to read that book.
Photo images that have
The display of the photo like photo paper so we like to see the original photo. It can attract readers to read.
Example problem
Example problem can make us understand in each chapter that is presented. The example problems can represent the material that is discussed.
The exercises that have are sufficient to know our competence after we read and learn the subject. With these exercises that have, we can value our understanding.
Quality of printing
It is printed with a very neat and organized so that the posts which are very neatly printed and does not fall apart.


(by Muhammad Alek S:08305141036)

When we make a book, we will not for from technology. We need a technology to make easier when we write a book. beside that technology is very important for a writers to print their books. In many ting technology have contribution to make interesting book. In the book of Bilingual Mathematics I think it use a modern technology.

The performance of the book is show us that it is use a modern technology. we can analyze from the cover. the cover is colorful an it have a clear picture. Beside that the layout of the book is so interesting to so we can say that it is made by a good lay-outer with a good technology.
And than move to the page of the book. All of the page is use a colorful layout. Although the page is so colorful it still clearly. It is no problem with the letter.

We still has easy to read it. Some times may be when we get a book that the page is full color we have problem with the letter. May be the letter is not clearly so make us difficult to read it.
And than , in every material it usually completed by same picture. IT is use to illustrate the mathematics education in the real live. So it is easy for students to understand. Because, here students is not only imagine but also they can practice in the daily live. And the information in under the pictures that it is taken from the popular technology in this century. That is internet.

From the statement above we can conclude that the book of Bilingual Mathematics is use a good and modern technology.


(by Dya Ajeng Kumala: 08305141038)

In the “Mathematics” book for junior high school that writing by Mr. Marsigit, the matter that served in the book to match with the curriculum now. I think all content from the books more resemble “LKS”(Lembar Kerja Siswa).

The examples in the book, we can’t find the Smart Solution that can make easier student to finished the other exercise.

In preface, not to get the translation in Indonesian and the biography from the writer. It will be better if to exist the solution from the exercise.

But I think this book is good and must be read by all the students, because the hand writing and the translation in Indonesian are very easy to understand by the student. And it simplify the students to presentation the matter for all people in Indonesian and English.


(by Beni Iskandar; 08305141041)

When I value this book I divided the book became some of criteria. It make easy to know that how interest this book. Because generally, the interesting of this book it represented by this part.

The first is cover of the book. I see a good picture in front cover, it's stadium. But its don’t make more interesting for student to read the content. Ok, when we go to books store and buy a book, the first thing we do when we choice a book is finding an interest cover and find a attractive title. Although ever we hear a statement that "Don’t see a book just from the cover" but Its a business. we must attract more people to buy this book. Some method to do that thing are improve the cover of book become attractive. Then when i see the back cover. I must contain about description of book generally or maybe a good riddle which make student think more about greatest of mathematics..

The second is from the content of book. I think content of this book is very good, because in beginning of unit there are some picture to attract student study more deep again about the lesson. And then explanation about the material lesson very easy to understanding. Student also can study about mathematic in English. This book can improve student to know more vocabulary of mathematics.

The last is visualization of the book. It's mean the using of background text, font, draft and etc. when i see this book, there are something which make me bored. That is background color of this book likes block or span background color (in html code). why??? because i see a same color in every part. Why don't use different color.

Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

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